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Prayers please...


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mrX and Lunk's father (uncle to me) is in critical condition with pnemonia. He's been battling lung cancer for a while now. Lunk has come up from Texas to be with him.


Prayers are appreciated.

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GC Founder

Please continue to pray!!!


Here's word from mrX:


MmmmmrX: Things are improving slowly as the days go by

MmmmmrX: each day since saturday, he's gotten better

MmmmmrX: still on the ventillator, but b/w saturday and today they've dropped it from 100% oxygen to 60% just an hour ago

MmmmmrX: his blood oxygen levels have been remaining at 100% since yesterday morning

MmmmmrX: heart rate is good, as well as blood pressure

MmmmmrX: it seems as if the pneumonia is going away

MmmmmrX: but i've got no word on today's x-rays as the doctor's not in till after 5:30

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Thanks ya'll.


As MrX stated. Things are progressing. He is doing much better than when he went in. At the same time, he still has a somewhat long road to travel. This is something that will take some time to recover from. As much as we want him to be better overnight, it's not gonna happen. His body is tired from just finishing the Chemo & Radiation treatments 5 weeks ago.(which on that note is good news because the doctors said they can't find any of the cancer in his lungs). So, he needs lots of rest and some help breathing until all the pneumonia is cleared up and his lungs have healed.


As of this moment his stats are good and he is resting comfortably. They are keeping him sedated to let the ventilator do it's job. So, at this point it's a waiting game.


I'll have more updates in the following days as time permits. I will be here until Sunday.


Your prayers and thoughts are much appreciated.

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GC Founder

The latest news received is not good.


Pray hard, pray now. Pray for God's will, but pray that would it be possible that He could work a miracle. All things are possible.

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