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Va Tech Shooting


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Unless your trapped in cyberspace without any news at all Im sure you have heard about the shootings today at Va Tech.

22 Killed and 20 Injured.


I grew up 45 minutes from Tech and went to Radford University which is 15 minutes away.

I think Dweez and ZeroDamage both work there...


I have to say, It is very hard to imagine something like this would ever happen in Blacksburg. It's a small city, about 40,000 and most of the people are there because of the University. Its has a small town atmosphere and is a very friendly place.





EDIT* The article doesnt give much insight on what happend, but Ive been watching the news all morning. Here is what I think happened according to what the students who called in were saying.


Earlier this morning when they thought there was only one shooting. A student on the phone told CNN she heard from multiple students that a shooter went into a dorm and shot his girlfriend and the RA. that was at 7:15. 2 hours later is when the shooter went to the classrooms. A kid who was shot in the arm was on the phone with CNN and said an Asian kid opened the door and unloaded a clip into the room. Some who weren't hurt that bad, including himself were able to block the door when the gunman tried to get back in. It sounds like he did this to a few class rooms before he was shot

Edited by NOFX
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golly gee!... so this is what ZD was talking about... My heart goes out to the families... what a shame something like this happens...


if people are so unhappy, why don't they just take themselves out... why do something like this... what point was proven?

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From my experience with the military there are a lot of suicidal people that want everyone to pay for the way they feel. Sometimes for these people just killing themselves would not be enough. Then you wounder had this guy never seen anything like columbine all over the news if he would have ever thought of it. Tis a sick world.

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word on the street is that he was upset with his girlfriend, like what is wrong with some people that they would get so upset they had to kill 30+ people???

this violence in schools has seemed to be increasing over the past couple years, just last week there was a bomb threat called into my school, i just dont understand the need to hurt other people.

the first words i heard out of bush's mouth "i grieve for the families but it is americans right to bear arms" what a freekin tool!!! if that kid didnt have access to guns odds are this probably wouldnt have happened

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word on the street is that he was upset with his girlfriend, like what is wrong with some people that they would get so upset they had to kill 30+ people???

this violence in schools has seemed to be increasing over the past couple years, just last week there was a bomb threat called into my school, i just dont understand the need to hurt other people.

the first words i heard out of bush's mouth "i grieve for the families but it is americans right to bear arms" what a freekin tool!!! if that kid didnt have access to guns odds are this probably wouldnt have happened


don't forget that he also probably got to the campus in some sort of mechanized vehicle...better ban those too.


guns don't kill people...complete morons with guns kill people.

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The media is focusing on and complaining about how the school should have acted faster, shame... of course hindsight will always be 20/20... While I'm glad ZD and Dweezle are safe, I hope VA tech is able to recover from this, my sister goes to UVA and knows at least 10 people there.


On a separate note I do agree with banning weapons in the U.S. Don't want to argue, I just personally know that recent laws like concealed weapons etc. make me always think of how many shootings there are in America. Yes Playaa I know it's the messed up people that go on the shootings not the guns... but with all the crazy people in the world it doesn't matter. Just my opinion.

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The scary thing is we all have his potential. I always get mad at the media the way they cover things like this... and I agree, dont focus on the shooter at all. Now is definitely not the time to complain about the school either - geez, give it some time at least. Idiots. (media, not you guys)

Edited by DarkArchon
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I have to go in tomorrow morning and have no idea what to expect. I support multiple groups from a couple of buildings but Norris is my main office. My boss and her assistant had to step over one of the bodies when they were evacuated. I weren't there and am sick with worry over this. I see so many of these students every day and many of them are work studies and what not. I am afraid to find out who I will never see again; some of them even work for me. No one knows anything right now.

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I have to go in tomorrow morning and have no idea what to expect. I support multiple groups from a couple of buildings but Norris is my main office. My boss and her assistant had to step over one of the bodies when they were evacuated. I weren't there and am sick with worry over this. I see so many of these students every day and many of them are work studies and what not. I am afraid to find out who I will never see again; some of them even work for me. No one knows anything right now.



Zero you have no clue on how close you just became with your co workers. Going through something like this from experience is going to change your life. Make sure you surround yourself with friends the next few days.

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i'm glad you are safe zd... i heard about this on the news and just shook my head.. i'm actually crying because of what you said... i'm scared one day i'm going to go to work or school and people i loved will be gone forever..

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I have to go in tomorrow morning and have no idea what to expect. I support multiple groups from a couple of buildings but Norris is my main office. My boss and her assistant had to step over one of the bodies when they were evacuated. I weren't there and am sick with worry over this. I see so many of these students every day and many of them are work studies and what not. I am afraid to find out who I will never see again; some of them even work for me. No one knows anything right now.



Zero you have no clue on how close you just became with your co workers. Going through something like this from experience is going to change your life. Make sure you surround yourself with friends the next few days.



To hell with how I feel; I was not there. They were. I will be there for them in any way I can for as long as I am needed. I will be at work tomorrow regardless as moral support. I do not see myself going to Norris hall for a while.

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zd, if there's anyway GC can help, or myself as an individual, don't hesitate to ask us/me... seeing as you're right there, you know what would help the most.


maybe GC can raise some money for the families of the victims, to help with funeral costs, etc etc

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This is the guy who did it:



*Gunman identified as Cho Seung-hui, a 23-year-old English major from South Korea

*Cho called a loner by university official

*Reasonable to assume Cho was shooter in both dorm and classroom, police say

*Police: Victims found in four classrooms, stairwell




I have to go in tomorrow morning and have no idea what to expect. I support multiple groups from a couple of buildings but Norris is my main office. My boss and her assistant had to step over one of the bodies when they were evacuated. I weren't there and am sick with worry over this. I see so many of these students every day and many of them are work studies and what not. I am afraid to find out who I will never see again; some of them even work for me. No one knows anything right now.



*Norris Hall has been closed for the remainder of the semester.



Im glad you're okay, ZD

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Yes. That man is a true hero for what he did. Such an amazing thing to do.


As for the murderous piece of garbage, there were signs.


The Smoking Gun has one of his plays. How long before someone puts it into production?




I've been here all day supporting the Dean for the college of engineering. No one can get into the building to access their equipment or anything. I am jumping through hoops to get our network accessible from a totally different IP subnet, etc.


State Police all over the campus as well as media trucks all over the place. I may go around later to see if I can meet Geraldo or someone, they are almost all here.

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