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the what kind of feed back do you want Jackie?  Sorry, but it is a nerf, you might not feel it is helpful, and it may still be more than what it used to be.  I don't have a break down in a mathematical analysis to show how OP the one shot of a hunter is over relying on a potential over time points.  what do you want me to say?

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GC Alumni

Give suggestions?  More information?  All I've been seeing is that people have been giving 1 sentence replies saying "nerf nerf nerf" or "inconsistency inconsistency inconsistency" and somehow turned into complaining about Hunter pounces again.  Peanut gave a little bit of information that would help in me reworking it.

Defiant has reported this problem. Honestly, I don't you get points per common hit but by a certain number of common hits. 1 hit=/=.10. I think it's more like 10 hits=.10 points, 20 hits=.20 points.

is simply not true at all from what I have experienced in testing in small and large scales.  I cannot simply test things out in a large scale without uploading it to the server, have you guys try out the changes for me, and making adjustments to compensate...even if the change is only temporary.  That's how I got the Tank limits, "becoming your own Tank", and lots of other things on there because you guys helped test it out for me in a large scale.


When posting about stuff that doesn't work, please give information instead of just saying it doesn't work.  That doesn't help me.  Screenshots/videos would help a lot too.

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Getting stomach acid after the change got me 38 points compared to the minimum of 45 before the change.  So that means I got 3 points from common assists, the problem is that mollys and fireworks are far too cheap considering you get points you spend on them back.  I think molly should be changed to 8-12 increasing by one everytime you buy it, and fireworks should be 6-10 increasing the same as mollys.  Also bile cost should maybe be changed to 10, but only a few people bother buying this so it seems fine to me. 



Also hunters are fine considering if you have 3 players playing as hunters who are constantly missing their pounces, thats 3 infected that are essentially not even playing.  Just by not standing still 90% of hunters will miss you, some even miss pounce after charge get up, which is hilarious.

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Getting stomach acid after the change got me 38 points compared to the minimum of 45 before the change.  So that means I got 3 points from common assists, the problem is that mollys and fireworks are far too cheap considering you get points you spend on them back.  I think molly should be changed to 8-12 increasing by one everytime you buy it, and fireworks should be 6-10 increasing the same as mollys.  Also bile cost should maybe be changed to 10, but only a few people bother buying this so it seems fine to me. 



Also hunters are fine considering if you have 3 players playing as hunters who are constantly missing their pounces, thats 3 infected that are essentially not even playing.  Just by not standing still 90% of hunters will miss you, some even miss pounce after charge get up, which is hilarious.

Yea even on some cases, hunters could end up missing a survivor by a couple of inches, and then they end up accidentally killing themselves by pouncing directly into a river. I still feel pretty stupid about that after what happened recently.

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Speaking as someone that has trouble with landing hunter pounces at times, and also uses boomers to great effect for tank points, I think that they are both fine as they currently are. I think the decrease in boomer points isn't a nerf per say, but I'd like to see the common assistance points bumped up to 0.2 points per "hit". I do not think that the hunter class requires a lot of skill to use, but I'd say it requires a lot of practice to perform consistently, and that's evident by the high pouncers we have on the server. The hunter class on the server is kind of a high risk for high reward, as players who consistently miss high pounces are just dead-weight to the team, when they could be just pointing and clicking with a charger/spitter to much greater effect.


That being said, I think Brandon's idea for a steady increase in points for fire (both molotov and fireworks) has merit, because I am guilty of just spam throwing molotovs into an event, or onto boomed survivors and raking in points. I'd personally like to see the price increase count for all fire, so buying one fireworks increases the cost of a molotov by one point. This would stop the fire spam making common infected basically point-farming material.


I'd also like to suggest that the full heal for chargers be bumped up by a point or two, as it has become an incredibly OP way to farm points for some of the better players on the server. I've been on both sides of it myself, and it is very hard if you're the only one dealing with a punching charger without a melee weapon, as they can pretty consistently out-heal any damage you deal even with a decent weapon. This would still make charger punching viable for incaps, or for people that have the skill to dodge weapon fire enough to earn heal points, but even it out a bit when you're trying to take on General as a charger, and even AK rounds to the head isn't enough to stop him.


My final point is that I've got to agree with Jackie in the regards that if people have issues with balancing on the server, why not make a suggestion? Saying "hunters are OP" or "boomers are nerfed" is useless when you're not suggesting something that you think can fix it. It may be a stupid idea, but it could lead to a great idea.


My two cents

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i've got an stupid idea, banning the AWP!


jk, heres the real stupid idea: what about decreasing points obtained from a certain Special Infected if its used too much?

I don't think that first idea is stupid :)

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GC Alumni


-Increased "Points per Boom" to 1.8.  Up from 1.5

-Increased "Common Assist" points to 0.2, up from 0.1

-Removed height requirement for Death Charges because they wouldn't be awarded in some cases (beginning of The Sacrifice docks)

-Added a check or two to the "Common Assist" function.  Maybe it will be more reliable now?

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Thanks Jackie, it seemed to be better last night.  I think it was giving 1.7 points, but maybe you changed it to 1.8 after?  The points total I would get from booming was much closer to the amount I used to get.  But I like it this way, because of the variable of the common assist.   Also it seemed like a lot of common assist points were not counted, but again that might be better now from your change.  I probably wont be able to play much for a couple days, so maybe someone else can note here any observations.

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Nice Work Jackie.  Is it possible a boomer has more health?  Also can we do something with Jockies like maybe more health and cannot be meled or jump higher by lets say 15%

Edited by Garychios
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Jockies do need a buff but I think it should be their movement speed by +10% and their health by +15% if possible. Not being able to deadstop them would be THE worst and a 15% jump increase wouldn't effect much considering how the hit box is set up. 


Boomer health is fine how it is. Being able to die from a single bullet can be beneficial at times because the new players can make you boom more players before others can knock you away.

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GC Alumni

Jockies do need a buff but I think it should be their movement speed by +10% and their health by +15% if possible. Not being able to deadstop them would be THE worst and a 15% jump increase wouldn't effect much considering how the hit box is set up. 


Boomer health is fine how it is. Being able to die from a single bullet can be beneficial at times because the new players can make you boom more players before others can knock you away.

Jockey's are a bit different than vanilla:

sm_cvar z_jockey_ride_damage "5" - Vanilla is set to 4.  This controls the amount of damage that is done to Survivors while a Jockey is riding them.  I feel this is good the way it is because if it was higher, the "GOING FOR A JOYRIDE" achievement would be a bit harder to obtain.

sm_cvar z_jockey_control_variance "0.5" - Vanilla is set to 0.7.  The lower this value is, the more control the Jockey has over a Survivor...which doesn't make much sense.

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Jockies do need a buff but I think it should be their movement speed by +10% and their health by +15% if possible. Not being able to deadstop them would be THE worst and a 15% jump increase wouldn't effect much considering how the hit box is set up. 


Boomer health is fine how it is. Being able to die from a single bullet can be beneficial at times because the new players can make you boom more players before others can knock you away.

Jockey's are a bit different than vanilla:

sm_cvar z_jockey_ride_damage "5" - Vanilla is set to 4.  This controls the amount of damage that is done to Survivors while a Jockey is riding them.  I feel this is good the way it is because if it was higher, the "GOING FOR A JOYRIDE" achievement would be a bit harder to obtain.

sm_cvar z_jockey_control_variance "0.5" - Vanilla is set to 0.7.  The lower this value is, the more control the Jockey has over a Survivor...which doesn't make much sense.


I just think they should be buffed a bit more. How many jockies do you see and how many are successful? The only player I see using them is Maestro and he's still not great with them.

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How many jockies do you see and how many are successful?

the jokie must the be the class that needs the most team-work, hence why he isnt that used, if at all.


they could use a boost tho, maybe a faster/stronger scratching? would play well, what whit them being such small sneaky bastards lol

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reporting 2 minor bugs


!jointeams send me to "infected3"(still afk) even though there was a no-menber in the server had to join trough the !teams comand


some time ago it also sended me to "none" team instead of telling me server was full of menbers, and i wouldnt apear on the "spectators" team



buged part im parish first map, pounced to tallest biulding to get a higer ground but got stuck, couldnt pounce away or stand up



both are minor things, just though you'd like to know  about them

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There's lots of places to get stuck in l4d2, if you stand still it will teleport you to the nearest special infected(ghost too). Or you can always just suicide. 

And yeah I had that !jointeam thing happen to me yesterday. I had to type !jointeam 2 or 3 times before it put me in the game. I hope I didn't kick an extra player

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On the subject of bugs, I was climbing the ladder onto the No Mercy and I was instantly killed. Like, one scratch from a spitter and died. I know I was boomed and spit on but to drop from green to dead in an instant? I wasn't even infected. It's like when you're okay, health wise as a tank then poof. Dead. It was a very busy night so I know there stress some witnesses out there. Needless to say, I died first...

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There's lots of places to get stuck in l4d2, if you stand still it will teleport you to the nearest special infected(ghost too). Or you can always just suicide. 

And yeah I had that !jointeam thing happen to me yesterday. I had to type !jointeam 2 or 3 times before it put me in the game. I hope I didn't kick an extra player

Yep, definitely a bug for me as well. Some times it'll make me someone get kicked on the survivors then put me on the infected

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Had a funny one happen last night Jackie, death charged someone out the first window for death charges on Dead Center, but they got boomed as they were being charged (guess the boomer vomit hit them rather than an exploding boomer pushing me off them)


The boomer got the death charge points, he was rather confused :P


Common assistance seems to be working just fine now, I love raking in those points from people who don't shove back zombies

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