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Reserve your spot at Fr4gF3sT 2003 NOW!


Chances are if you pay now, it won't feel like a hit come August. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to deal in refunds, so if you end up not coming, we'll just consider it a happy donation to the cause!


What your money will go to:

The costs of the Sheraton.

Giving Tom Kemp some cash for the use of his place for the weekend.

Cost of the T-Shirts.

General Food (pizzas, snacks, etc)

Drink (casual stuff like water, juices, etc)


What you'll do besides sending/bringing your payment:

Bring some sort of snack.

Bring some sort of food (ooohhh Kurtz, I can taste them babies already! We should start a forum on the food so we don't repeat too much)

Bring your own favorite alcohol/drink, etc.


Now, if there is money left over:

We can distribute back.

We can raffle it off.

We can burn it and laugh.

We can donate it to a charity (I'm not joking, but you might not like this idea)

We could spend it all during lunch at Tequila Panchos on Sunday.

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I like the idea of the fragfest shirts, and I was thinking. With this many people we could prolly get colored shirts for about 3bucks more per shirt. I don't know about you guys, but shirts don't last real long in my house. I'd love grey or black or...can we start a poll on colors or willingness to pay 3-5bucks more/shirt to not go white?


I'll paypal when I get home.



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Guest TF_FSoul
Guest TF_FSoul
Guest TF_FSoul

Please put me next to the hot girls!!



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hahah, "mini"  If I end up coming, I should sit waaay away from everyone else so my witching and moaning doesnt get me in too much trouble  :rolleyes:

you ARE going, talk to me online for like the plane info and stuff cause the way it looks, we might have to take a connection through Dallas.

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what if you don't want a tshirt? don't get me wrong, but i don't plan on wearing a LAN party tshirt.....

Then don't take one. You get no discount for refusing a shirt.


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Either by illiteracy or complete generosity, these last two gave $50.  Let me know if you want your 5 bucks.

i sent a mes. about that with my payment.I wonder which side has the illiteracy problem

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Fatty, I am getting ready to pay now but I see a descrepancy on this page (http://www.mmmmcs.com/fragfest03/fragfest.htm ) and the PayPal site. On the Mmmmcs.com page, you say to send the money to "fragrest@mmmmcs.com" then in the actual link (hover over it and check status at bottom of page) it shows up as "fragfest@mmmmcs.com". Then on the actual PayPal page (https://www.paypal.com/verified/pal=fragfest%40mmmmcs.com ) it mentions both "fat@mmmmcs.com" and fragfest@mmmmcs.com"


I am assuing that the correct e-mail to send it to is "fragfest@mmmmcs.com" but since this is real money we are talking about, I just wanted a confirmation from you.

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