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Vote to remove Bile from buy menu?


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I've heard this from people playing all the time. And it is annoying everyone always buys it and spams the tanks face with it like a bad 70s....film.


Can we remove it from purchase or vote to do so pretty please?

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I'll be blunt in my opinion, mainly because I just woke up and I haven't had a coffee yet :(


I won't lie, it'd be nice if I bought a tank and didn't immediately see half the survivor team buy a bile bomb, it's difficult at times to put a tank against ten survivors when you're team has maybe one person who'll do some boomer support. I won't pretend that I wouldn't enjoy it being easier for me ;)


However, I disagree with removing it. Even in games of full members, I see the Infected team kill the survivors more often than the survivors make it to the saferoom intact. (My own observations). The Infected team is fine how it is now, and frankly, with the addition of personal fire damage to the survivors, I think they're okay now. They can't spam the "OP fire" as easily as before, and taking away another important arsenal from the survivors is a bad idea. A good player can build tank points in the first few minutes (if that), and a good player can also kill off a fair amount of survivors if they play their tank right. Bile isn't the end of the world.


This is like asking "Can we remove the ability to buy weapons? Survivors buy long range weapons and shoot me before I even get close, and that's overpowered :(". I don't think it is a step in the right direction. Fire was, this isn't.


My two cents ;)

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If you take out Bile, people are gonna want Boomers nerfed to balance it, when tanks are there.


Yeah getting biled as a tank sucks, but the rest of the team needs to help out with boomers and support. Sometimes when I'm tank it feels like the entire infected team just STOPS and watches me die.

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If you take out Bile, people are gonna want Boomers nerfed to balance it, when tanks are there.

For me I don't see that being the case, boomers always boom and have since l4d1 but being able to purchase bile and destroy tanks before they can do much damage is really....not something the game has always had.



Or you could remove it from the menu and only have it spawnable on the maps.


I've heard that most having it just be on the map rather than buying.

Otherwise a blind tank can really only attack whoever they last saw while usually 9 or 10 people empty their guns into them, usually killing them before the bile wears off

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Bile is a nice weapon, just like fire or anything else. When you spawn a tank, you just have to be smart with it. Try to get points to heal first before you spawn; spawn near cars; ask the team to buy up tank unannounced; tell your team to boom them, etc. If the bile bomb is too overpowered, then maybe increase the cost of it.


FYI, I think explosive ammo is overpowered too!

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When you spawn a tank, you just have to be smart with it. Try to get points to heal first before you spawn; spawn near cars; ask the team to buy up tank unannounced; tell your team to boom them, etc. If the bile bomb is too overpowered, then maybe increase the cost of it.


Or you guys could play better and not get killed when biled.


if you think about all the people who come to play who don't know that though, just join in, get spawned as a tank/are told how to buy one they suffer. And anyone who isn't able to get better.

Just thought it would make it less unfair for those people.



Also, can we vote?

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In hind-sight I do tend to lean towards a more infected favored style of game play. That being said I still think the bile needs to get a minor nerf. Perhaps a cool down timer of 30 seconds or 15 seconds before another bile can be used against the tank. I think making the survivors side of things easier makes for a more boring game. It should be a serious struggle to get the whole team to the safe room each chapter. A well placed bile can completely negate a tanks abilities to do anything its simply to overpowered for a 10v10 server in my opinion.

Edited by BlackYoshi
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Here's what I want.


When I am on infected:


- Survivors get only pistols.

- Survivors get no points.

- No fire.

- No bile.

- No !heal.


When I am on Survivor:


- No chargers

- No tanks

- No spitters

- No witches

- All survivors get AK's, molotov's, and start with 30 points.




See how ridiculous this gets?

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So my question is...is this a complaint of having bile as an option under the throwables menu? Or is there actually an option to "bile the tank" without having to throw anything? Cause I hate being biled as a tank, but cmon guys, it's called teamwork. Most of the time you should use tanks in conjunction with your teammates being boomed and such, as well as buying a second or third tank when one spawns. Therefore it's pretty hard to bile 1 tank and be able to kill him quickly.


Now, if there IS an option to specifically bile the tank without throwing anything, then I go back to my suggestion I made a few months ago about allowing infected to buy something that boom's the whole team for a few seconds. I would suggest adding that for infected and just keep the bile for survivors.


One other suggestion is to just remove getting points for throwing bile on a tank. I think it's stupid to buy bile for 5 pts and and then you get 2 pts for hitting the tank with it. Therefore it only costs 3 pts. Just make it 7-10 pts for bile and don't change anything else if you want to make it simple. Less biles to be bought since they are more expensive.

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Here's what I want.


When I am on infected:


- Survivors get only pistols.

- Survivors get no points.

- No fire.

- No bile.

- No !heal.


When I am on Survivor:


- No chargers

- No tanks

- No spitters

- No witches

- All survivors get AK's, molotov's, and start with 30 points.




See how ridiculous this gets?

sign me up haha

just raise the price for bile, problem solved

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Perhaps bile could put out fire. That way the survivors have to choose between a blind tank or a tank that's taking damage.


Personally I think that the tank max HP should increase by ~10% every time a new one is spawned.

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