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Had a great time!!


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It was great to see you all again, had a great time...even Mrs Clueless had fun. I look forward to seeing you all again next year and hopefully some of you that couldnt make the trip this time. I gotta start my "gaming laptop" fund now so that I can be equipped by next year...not as easy to bring a PC anymore now that I am 1100 miles away, lol.


Thanks Cujo for setting me up with the laptop and tolerating my screaming...I am a sore loser, especially when I get pwned by Source, LOL.


Thanks to everybody that put in the hard work, and especially DNA who did a good job at the last minute with the sponsors, and it was good to meet you!


See you guys next year, we need to set a date so we can start the countdown already! :freak:

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i'm hijacking this to say i'm home safe and sound. i had a wicked time and can't wait til next year. thanks to everyone that helped put it together and take it apart. it was well worth it. hopefully next year we can get the attendance back up and have even more crazy good times.

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Had an awesome time also! Thanks to everyone who helped make this year possible... I wish it lasted longer, but maybe next year more people will sign up for more pre-party events so I can make it last longer :) It seriously was really great even though we had half the size this year compared to last year!

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GC Alumni
Anybody lose a laptop case? I found one in the ballroom, black, soft sided, Targus brand. I have it, so whoever it belongs to, lemme know and I can mail it to ya.

Case solved...I now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.

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I still have all these dang temporary tattoos on me lol XD





I never thought about the side effects of this event...


I had a great time hanging with everyone, and I was a little sad this AM when nobody was around.


I enjoyed Golfing with everyone, and watching Clue destroy the donut box on the green of 17..LOL It was great to meet Mrs. Clue and hope to see you guys soon.


I hope to see those of you I did not see this year next year!!




I did not get to see you b4 i took off, Sorry..But bye.. :) I enjoyed messing with your CS config's, made me smile..LOL

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I had a blast everyone! can't wait till next year already!


*Note* My MOBO DIDN'T DIE! it was my Video Card, it had 3 Caps blow completely. Regardless I'm in the process of building a NEW PC already.


Cujo you're a *@*#$@*! for making me spend 300 on nothing! jk I was overdue for an upgrade...


New Specs:

MOBO: EVGA - e-7150/630i

CPU: C2D 2.53 3MB L2 Cache 1066 MHz FSB

Ram: 2GB DDR2 800

Onboard Everything for now :(

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I had a blast this year!


This was the first year for me that I was able to go early and I really enjoyed it. I'm still sad that it's over already. Though attendance was down this year I still think everything had a great time, and I really got to talk to more people then I usually do. Thanks to all the people that put so much hard work in to make it possible again


Fatty, DNA, Jackie (Mrs. Fish), Renegade, Bub (I'm probably forgetting a few).

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Ditto on the thanks!! This was my first year and I had a great time. It was cool to finally be able to put faces to names, even if it was just people schooling me at CS ;). You guys put on a great event, and I can't wait until next year. I am so putting together a TF2 tournament though so that I can have some sort of chance :)

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I had a good time and It was nice to be around everyone even though lots were missing it still was great. See you guys in 2009. Next time I got to make sure I don't have to work Saturday morning :wacko:

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lol, i'd recommend a new power supply as well. those mobo caps were definitely puffed and ready to go. it could be your power delivery system doing the damage.


Hey, it's the missing aldan here...


I had a comp go burnie burn burn a few years ago due to a combination of things, but one I'd suggest for any and ALL of you to be sure to check regularly is the CLEANLINESS of the interior of your computer case. Why??


Well, dust is a wonderful insulator and will help to hold the heat in, so even if you do look inside it yearly, perhaps you should do so more often. I do so once a month, and the dust STILL builds up! *sigh*


I hear that Ebil wasn't there, but maybe her DustBunnies were there inside the computer....


As for why I wasn't there...


I'd strongly suggest that if you ride a bicycle on the road, be sure to wear a bike helmet. I did, and am VERY happy that I do so! I got hit by a guy (his fault, he had a red light and didn't stop before he turned right, right into me, who had a green light.


Results: swollen and black & blue right thigh, whiplashed neck and back, and a torn right rotator cuff. The docs are still trying to decide if I'm going to need surgery for the shoulder... Oh, and the bike is not rideable right now. I got wolfie to come down to photo my injuries and the bike yesterday afternoon, so if you beg him, he might send you lovely pics of the results... *aldan shrugs* I personally don't care if you have them, so just point to this post if you wanna axe him...

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it's one of my biggest pet peeves. NO ONE seems to stop before that line anymore. they just treat red light right turns as yields . i can't count the number of times on one hand where i have to slow down or change lanes in my daily 10 miles of driving due to some ahole who cuts me off.


not to mention the several pedestrians i've seen nearly hit or the time i almost got clipped by a taxi on my bike.

Edited by Cujo
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Cuz I wasn't there... :(


Glad you all had a good time (which I severely doubt, being that I wasn't in attendance)! Hopefully I'll make it out next year, I'll actually have vacation time so I can guarantee the time off.


it's one of my biggest pet peeves. NO ONE seems to stop before that line anymore. they just treat red light right turns as yields . i can't count the number of times on one hand where i have to slow down or change lanes in my daily 10 miles of driving due to some ahole who cuts me off.


not to mention the several pedestrians i've seen nearly hit or the time i almost got clipped by a taxi on my bike.


This is why it's illegal in many places to make a right on red.


My biggest pet peeve are the people who don't realize that yellow means stop (safely).

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This is why it's illegal in many places to make a right on red.


what does that change? people will still stop past the line. afaik, it's illegal to stop past the line if you can stop before it safely.

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I'd strongly suggest that if you ride a bicycle on the road, be sure to wear a bike helmet. I did, and am VERY happy that I do so! I got hit by a guy (his fault, he had a red light and didn't stop before he turned right, right into me, who had a green light.



glad to hear you're doing alright, but dang, that sucks.

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