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*** The Official - THANK YOU FATTY - thread ***


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Even though I wan't able to attend ff this year, I just wanted to thank Fatty for providing a great community to be a part of.

GC is the best ran, organized, and friendliest community that I have ever seen.

I plan on being a member for a long time.

Thank you Fatty.

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Thanks, Fatman! Nice job on MCing the door prizes, a couple good belly laughs in there!


Agreed. Fat sacrifices a lot of his time and doesn't ask for anything in return. Kudos, Fat.


BTW, Chief's triumphant claiming of his prize was my personal favorite during the giveaways. :lol2::lol2::lol2:

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Why I gotta be the goo?


Welp, most of my time beyond dealing with the hotel and doing some sponsors is exactly what Mini mentioned: pulling all of the hard work of others together to make it happen. It would be unjust if I didn't thank some people. I really hope I don't leave anyone out.


Bub put in a LOT of time on the website, even while juggling a job transfer and the moving of his family.


Duke did a great deal of sponsorship contacts, again, with a young family in the mix.


Fish does a large amount of behind the scenes work for us and is/was constantly available to do just about anything that needed done. He's awesome.


Mini has always been our contact for key sponsors such as Fineline and Cisco...and also found several very nice sponsors this year.


Renegade stepped up to fill Mini's shoes when Mini had to leave and got the poker running for us. He also provided me with a wireless mic instead of that old mic on 20 ft of cable that the hotel has. Awesome!


Rashad....so glad he was back this year. He took about 375 pictures for us during the event. Thank you so much!


m0m brought his hardware and solved a major problem during the event. The hotel threw him some curveballs and without him, the obstacles would have been barriers.


mdlCitizen was just awesome. I hadn't even met him, he's a friend of m0m's. He walked in and said: "What can I do?" He really helped out a lot, especially when cleansing the 3 virus-filled machines that showed up.


Becca and Amy....awesome job with registration and other various critical tasks. Well done. Nice to have some people in the front who are that pleasant. If I remember correctly, Mag and Fish also did some registration help for us! Thanks guys!


Dingy was another guy who just was willing to do anything to help the cause.


mrX was another one willing to help with anything needed, and also provides us with guidance on waivers, etc. Thanks, X.


Steph, thank you for your help during the door prize presentations. Glad you could make it!!


KWill, who isn't a gamer at all and received no sort of compensation for his time, gave us a real "sense of security" during the event. BIG kudos to him!


Shep and Becca, thanks for the sandwich! Yum!


Redeyez....I love that he shows up! He forced money on me so that he was an official 5th year attendee. He's always generous. I understand he was also a good host, as always, at his place of employment.


Todd and his Escape Play guys, for the rentals. Todd also stayed on site and was there to help with any issues on the rentals.


Huge thanks to Mav. What a sponsorship from Northeast Projections, Inc....and then to have him there to fix things up for us. So wonderful! Josh, Mav's son, was also a class act! He's gonna be quite a gamer!


NCC, for taking my dead PC with him when he left to fix before I tossed it out onto Route 8.


Clueless, for constructing our dart boards, setting us up with Arabica, and doing some food runs. He's also going to help us with food arrangements for next year. Big thanks!


Nick, thanks for being so quick to clean up your splash.


GG and Ebil, thanks for driving the cart around and serving up drinks during golf, although three beers between 10 and 10:30 didn't seem to light my game on fire.


And finally, to all of the people that showed up to play games! We wouldn't have the event if we didn't have people to come and enjoy things!

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Thanks Fatty and the entire GC crew. :luxhello: As other people have all ready said this wouldn't have happend without ALL of your hard work and dedication. I look forward to seeing everyone next year and helping out as much as I can. If you need anything before then don't hesitate to ask. Thanks again you guys are the greatest. :peace:

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Yes, i also need to say thanks to everyone who had some part of making FF happen! First off to all the people who did all the setup and running of the event!! The staff crew was great as always!!


Also, thanks to everyone else who showed up, i'm pretty sure i have some kind of memorial moment with just about everyone that attended. Without everyone there, it just wouldn't be the same fun FF that it is every year. It just keeps getting better and better :)


See you all next year!!! :wiggle2:

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